Saturday, April 9, 2011

Send Me Your Questions

Most people have relationship problems. In fact, everybody has relationship problems.

The only people who DON'T have relationship problems are those who don't have relationships, and in many cases the reason the don't have a relationship is because they had relationship problems previously.

You can't avoid relationship issues, but you do have control over how you handle them. How well you deal with your issues will affect how happy you are, how long you stay in the relationship, and a whole lotta other things, such as how well your career goes, or how your kids grow up.

I may not have all the answers all the time. But I just might have the right answer for your problem. Post your relationship questions in the form of a comment on this post. If I feel I have something to contribute, I'll post about it. Anyone can give you advice; what makes me a little different from most of your friends or relatives is that I will map out the reasoning behind my advice carefully, helping you make up your own mind about what to do.

Note that this blog is designed to help, not to make fun of people with problems.

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